Page 479 - chs-1998
P. 479
evin Lamar ennington
K~dn, K~tln,
Congratulations!!! You bat·~ flnt~/ly m~~lh fl. W~ may Time bas r~111ly pass~d by fast. We could not b~gln to
not a.Y fl oft~n. but U'~ ar~ proud.ofJou. You b11u· U'rlt~ all JOU bate done. But, u·bat U'e c11n say I JOU
bun 11 gn11t l~alhr for us. Tbanlts for tb~ rllhs to bate accompli Md much more than we ner could b11te
ask~d for. You 11n truly a gr~at bl~sslng to us. We
cbool, tailng us out U'flb j'OU ( om~tlm~s) 11nd ju 1
b~lng tber~. bou/d )'OU ~ter nud US, just II k. W~ lou JOU and congrt~tu/11/e JOU U'ftb all our heart. lfe
U'll/ aiU'ti)'S b~ tber~. W~ lor~ JOU t'elf' much ... f~e/ certain that yoU' U'lll bate contlnu~d ucu .
K~/lle 11nd Kr11lg Lou 11/ 11y ,
Mom and Dad
474 Kevm Kenn1ngton Sr. Cloud