Page 483 - chs-1998
P. 483
Ala ina Xarhrvn :J-{eller
Work hard at what you like to do and try to overcome all obstacles. Laugh at your
mistakes and pra1se yourself from learning from them. Don't be afraid to show your
emotions: laughing and cry1ng make you feel better. Feel the calmness on a quiet, sunny
day and plan what you want to accomplish in life. Find a ra1nbow and live your world of
dreams. We love you and are so very proud of you.
Mom and Dad
~ndra f£. ~eag[e
'To my tfaugfittr my hest Jrutuf atuf stif( my fittft gir(,
I am o Vtry proud of you 9ou art a stnwr nou1, wou•
wfitrt lias tfit timt gont? I afu•ai(S ntu' tliiS tfay wouU ccmt fucaust
of your tfttmrunatwn. I'{( always stanJ 6esult you in anytlimg you u•ant to
tfo 6ttau.u I nou• you can tfo it.
1 L<tvt9ou