Page 499 - chs-1998
P. 499

9n Loving MemOY/d of

                                             Aclam Campbell

                                                      'E  ape
                                                  /lfoOfl bftlms d«>r as CTIJ!.tAI
                                                  UIJ on ""~ IH!droom floor
                                                 Waslo•"9 wpon a ""'f''  I shor~
                                                     (!foS«J  I! t lots VIJ
                                                  tS<apo! fro"' 'I""' tlo<>«qh(s
                                                 Ccok toward  t~  ar filed skiJ
                                                   'Jar  w~ catt>tOt H  """ql?t
                                                   w~ ,.,st be on our wa~
                                                    W~ ioflw COM~ tO 90
                                                    'fo   IJitotM d  1J
                                                 Ccok to sn what 9 iofow to sloow
                                                o l'tOW  r~~u "  and ta  ~ '"IJ loarod
                                                    lis w~ I   tltts d"IJ
                                                    lis"'~ ko>v~ tltts '"nd
                                                lis w~ rid~ t~ ,.,oo,.bftlms """'""'
                                                  No ont~tt!IO"S Of r~um "9
                                                 Rlli~ tll w~ ar~ som-1ov~ a~
                                                (!~ fru  rom" world llxrt os  llwr"'"9
                                                    C  « us/~ oursdws
                                                 9  kl'tOW JW!.t  -  I( ...,.y  N'"
                                                 Jetdrng W0"9 a silwr moo  bftom
                                                    'J~  s JWst I  ~ "  bftl"'
                                               f.><"l"' fro"''~""' tloou~s l<ft s 9ft /o.t
                                                             lid""' ea ... p
                                         Although you are no longer with us. your spmt
                                         still remc:vns  We love you & you Will never be
                                                      fdour Cou  n

                                     Teresa  H.  Murphy

                                                                                                It's  hard  to  believe
                                                                                         it's time  for you  to  graduate.
                                                                                         You  ore  strong  willed  and
                                                                                         determined.  And  that will
                                                                                         toke you for in  life.  We ore
                                                                                         proud  of you.
                                                                                                Mom and  Dod
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