Page 502 - chs-1998
P. 502
I jll5t Wtln~J to ""'inJ .you of how prowl I 11m of
ou. You'" an a:aptunud young woman. I haVl' to
b~ th~ luck~st woman in th~ wor/J buall5~ I haVl'
you for m_y tiAugh~r. I bJIJl' _you with aU ~y h~art.
Hang on to our J"11ms and kup _your goals in
foc115. I haVl' no doubt ou will succuJ. Javi is a
luclty man to haw ou jll5t as ou ar~ a luclty laJy to
h~ him. I b>ve you both. R~m~b~r ~~th~art,
tlu wor/J is to mak~_your mark.
I LAve You,