Page 534 - chs-1998
P. 534
Mandt McCloud
XLep vour ALad to tAL tar .
Mandl. only vou know vour
limit. . & proud and
re. pon lble for your action .
We are forever bv vour Ide.
Well vou've flnallv made lt.
We have been tltrough good
and bad time. . but 1 will
alway. remember tAL good
time. . T!tanks for being a
(ll'eat big l . Good lu t with
evuvrhlng. J'm very proud of
vou and J'm alway. !toe for
vou. 1 Jove vou.
Love alway. .
Your {JJ Sl . .Amber
Mandl McCioud'Sr. Ad 529