Page 537 - chs-1998
P. 537

Marcus Geisler

                                                Marcus- Ra~;,mg you ha  been more than a httle nene
                                                rackmg but al\\3}  excttmg_  Whatever you do m the
                                                future  I m  ure tl won't be dull
                                                You brtruf,ht   much mto our h\~ and no" the for  m
                                                the road   here \\hen }OU contmue on to adult hood, a
                                                mt  1011, and college  You thought tht  ttme \\Ould never
                                                come, and \\C hoped that II \\OU ldn. t be here SO qu IC  ly
                                                In tht  game ot hard knoc   that we kno\\   hfc )OU
                                                ha\e achteved one of the most tmportant goal   tiu
                                                You've hun  m th  re and "npped the net " We arc proud
                                                of you and hope that  our strong  pmt and dctermmatton
                                                \\tll lead to other great achtcvemcnt
                                                Love 1  God'  great  t gtft and }OU  have ea  h of our
                                                hearts \\tth }tlU and that t  a \\hole lot of love  Go for 11
                                                and keep those goal  powerful•
                                                             Your Famtl),
                                                       Mom, Dad  brotht.:rs,  tslers and Grandma
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