Page 548 - chs-1998
P. 548
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Cou••ratul,ltiun Bt·njl! o 1 m· ,, wr: pet ial on uHI l1rotltt'r. ) our entlm i 111 for ltft· •. our h tmur and l.m;.:htl'r Ita hrout:ht mu It
lt.tppinc to 11111 lw.11 I .11111 lwmt•. t• lt.nt• :;o 111.111) mruwrie:; of' !ipt•t j,,( 111111'::; to;..:t•tln·l v.t• v.ill t lll'ri h ,,(v..t~'S. A::;~~~~~ t'lllrr into .1
ut·v. ph.t t' of )OUr life•, '>'t' hope. ou v.tll .alv..1: n·mt•mh •r the thin;.: that .Ht· tmly iu•port.tnt_ God. famil .• f'rit'IHI •• md mankind.
fay God bit· :ou and all :ou t'IHlr.I\Or
Our lmc"
Dad. 1om and KeYin