Page 552 - chs-1998
P. 552
Jana Bailey and Brooke Sherman
Friends yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
I cannot ~liev~ this i our s~nior year. It K~ms J.u only ~~t~rcby
we were haring dolls at lank's. I will never forget all the memories
we have made over the past sevent~~n years of our friendship. The
memories ranging from jumping out of windows at Lank's to our
weekly lunch outings. Our friendship me-.ons more to me than you wiU
ncr know. You have always ~en there for me to t.llk to or e•en a
shoulder to cry on. You know if you ever need me I will <&~ways~ her~
for you. May God bk s you in all you do.
Can you ~lieve that w~ have finally nwle it? It Kerns lih only
yesterday we were little girls trying to find a way to Cl out of nap
time and here we ar~ young ladies try to ma.k~ our way into th~ real
world. This bi t~p in my lif~ will not ~ difficult because I know you
will always ~ th~re for m~ just as you hav~ ~~n in th~ p .. u. I an
hon~ tly say you are my~ t friend and always wUI ~. I want you to
know you can always count on me and I' U n~ver let you down I lon
you liu a sister, nev~r forget that. God luck in ill you do.
Jana and Terese
Friend for a lifetime