Page 563 - chs-1998
P. 563

justin Crews

                         C.wvr.uu/.u/,111,  rm ,,, !'f•'U.I ,,( h,11f' r;u r,,u'vr ("(1mt' .m.J whrrr r(lu <Iff' and whrrr rou fL' !10  1 um rr'ith VC'U <Ill rhr n•,w.
                                                                 Lmr .
                                                                    . .MO.M

                                                                                       it ju  t doe ·n·t  eem that vou are
                                                                                     now a  en/or. Although vour  ·chool
                                                                                     vear  have gone bv qutcklv. all o(
                                                                                     the love.Jov and pride vou have
                                                                                     broUflht me are among my greare  t
                                                                                     trea  ure ·.Congratulation·. and 1
                                                                                     wl  h you all the be  t of health.
                                                                                     hap pine  ·and  ucce ·- In all llour
                                                                                     future endeavor  .

                                                                                     With love and prayer·.


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