Page 568 - chs-1998
P. 568
Chad Meads
You have filled m~·life v. th
m !Ia\
crcdn to none oilier than
God abiD-e
You have 'ell memones 10
1 fore\-er
I pm 11 s God v.11l for
to ta !her
\ ou lw been !here for me dunn lb and Ibm
an erand pam
A 1 fnend I defulllely
hal gained
Than · you for oor thou tfulness
flowers and ld
Than for keepm !he secretS I told'
U'hen ~ r.thm m m e v.-as
You alv. IS knev. JUSt hov; to ·eep me t
I knov; our wne rogelber
hasn I been \"e3!'S
but I than you for \'Our uncondnJOnallo\-e
b) c 1 haJlPl tears
llw nt:\n had a friend
rrusrworlby as \'OU
You are surely a dream
come trUe'
As you pi for your future d q esoonable
just remember that my boulder JS liS here for
'OU 10 lean vour head
Our emess has been uncondillOil
... 'Oilderful friend hip and (0\-e
has JUS! n
Chad Meads/Sr. Ad 563