Page 591 - chs-1998
P. 591

Christian Merrick                         and James John  on

                                                                                              thank  God  for  ••ndlng  me
                                                                                     •  wonderful  friend  Ilk•  you.   You
                                                                                     •r•  not  juet  •   friend,   but  my
                                                                                     beet   friend.     I   h• ve   alway•
                                                                                     prayed  that  God  would  ble ..  me
                                                                                     with  •  bNt  friend.   A  beet  friend
                                                                                     that  I   could  truet,   who   would
                                                                                     help  build  and  not  tear  down.   One
                   We  have  finally  reached  that
            stage in our lives whsre dreams b9oome                                   who  would  tell  the  truth,  even
            reality and images b9oome creations.  I                                  though    the    truth   may    hurt
            b91i6ve  when you truly insert your heart                                eomet/mee.    A  beet  friend  I  could
            into  somethmg;  the  Lord  creates                                      have  forever,   the  beet  friend  I
            blessings  for you.  And I sinc9rely feel                                found  In  you.
            that is  what he has done  b9tween our                                          I  don't  think  that  anyone
                                                                                     h••  experienced  •  frlendehlp  1/b
                   We  have  both  experienced
                                                                                     oure.    One  filled  with  Iota  of
            something in our lives that has created a
                                                                                     love,   joy,   under.standlng   and
            nuclear bond b9tw99n us,  that will never
            b9 broken.  Over these  last  couple  of                                 truet.   I  wouldn't  trade  you  for
            years I have sHn you grow from a shy,                                    the  world.
             timid,  little  glfl into  a  very  outspoken,                                 People     uee   eo    many
            intelligent young  lady.  You  have  truly                               definition•   to   deecrlbe  •   bett
            b9en  an  inspiration  in  my life;  through                             friend.   In  my  opinion,  there'•
             the good and the bad I was always able                                  only   on•   definition:
             to learn something from each situation.                                 Freddie   Johneon    Ill.
                   Our friendship  is  like  a  plant,                               word•  nor  action•  can  exprell
             the more time and patient you spend with                                my  gratitude   for  all  that  you
            it the  more it grows but the second you                                 have  dome  for  me.    It  may  not
            stop giving it attention it slowly begms to
             wither away.  Christian,  Thank  You  so                                eeem  /Ike  •  lot,  but  In  ee  ence,  II
            much for b9ing such a good fflend, and
            also teaching me how to  b9 a friend.  I                                        Alway•  remember  that
             thank  God  for  placing you in my life                                 have  •   frlendeh/p   that  Ia  very
             Black Butterfly ... spread your wings  and                              unique.   One  that  only  como•  one•
             fly.                                                                    In  •  lifetime,  and  one  that  I  will
            James Freddie Johnson Ill                                                treaeure  forever.   Good  luck  In
                                                                                     all  that  you  do  and  remember  •
                                                                                     epee/a/  frlendehlp  laete  forever.
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