Page 593 - chs-1998
P. 593
Sl1 ~ Allet1 l 11britl1
De~r Sh~WH •
We c~t1't believe th~t 17
'ie~rs h~s $~t1e b\1 S~ ql-fidd\1.
v ~\4 h~ve ~chicve~ ~ sre~t
~e~l it1 'i~l-fr life s~ f~r. we
1<t1ow th~t 'iOl-4 will h~ve
cv~tl1it15 'iOl-4 w~t1t it1 life.
V ol-f've m~~e l-fS so prol-4~. )l-fst
kt1~ tl1~t we love 'i~l-4 with
~n ol-fr he~rts ~t1~ will ~lw~'is
be tl1cre for \iOl-4.
Mom. D~~. ~t'\~