Page 615 - chs-1998
P. 615

Cr  g Gr  n

                                    Dear Cra1g,
                                                  From the t1me  you  were born God has had hiS  hand on you,
                                    Pra1se God'  Over all these years your struggles  and v1ctones we have been blessed
                                    to be your parents and rruse you up 1n the fear and adrrura  on of the Lord  Cfalg, your
                                    turnmg  1nto  such a f10e  and res   s ble   m  .  W1sdom  IS  your  Sister,
                                    understanding  s your Kingsman, 1n Jesus name.  I th n   e most 1mportant day of my
                                    hfe w1th you  (as a mother)  was when you rece1ved Jesus Chnst (you were 12 yrs.
                                    old)  1nto your heart and He became Lord and SaviOr of your hfe  Watch1ng you grow
                                    1n the Lord is one of  God's most prec1ous bless1ngs
                                     e cou d g ve us.  Th1s scnpture IS for you through college and adulthood.  In Jesus
                                    name, We  as  th1s  for you and  God IS  Faithful to  h1s  word,  to watch over 1t and
                                    perform  It   It  IS  wntten,  1  John  2:14  I  nte  to  you  young  men  (Cra1g
                                    Greene),because you are strong and the word of God lives In you,  and you~
                                    overcome the evil one.
                                           Remember always the prophecy spo  e over you, hold to 1t.  God WII fulfi ht.
                                    Always be forgiVIng, and than  ful1n everythmg and Pray.  Remember the day Dad
                                    sa1d  Son I Love You and I would lay  my  hfe down for vou,  or anyone of us (The
                                     Greatest G1ft)  We are a farruly of God and we trust GQd  to help us through everything
                                     we go through 1n life, good or bad. Jesus  II always be there, He WI! never leave you
                                     or forsake you and nMher Will we  Cra1g whatever you put your hands to you WI I be
                                     successful, you are the head and not the ta1l, you're blessed and preserverance IS
                                     hav10g God's perfect worl< compete  In you and we Thank God for 1t
                                     God Bless you Crrug AI en Greene.
                                                            Dad, Mom, and Joey Greene

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