Page 619 - chs-1998
P. 619

he 9th Grade!           e are finally in

                   high  chool!
                     here \\ere man}  n  \\ challenge  that \\e had to face.
                   We had to get u  ed to blo  k  cheduling, earning credit  ,
                   climbing  tair , and being put dO\\n b}  uppercla  men.
                    O\\  that \\e are in high  chool, \\e got to participate in
                   all the acthitie .  Homecoming \\a  our main acthit} for
                   the }ear. We rna)  not \\in eHQ time but \\e gaH it our
                   be t!  Being on the bottom rna  · be bad, but hopefully
                   the re  t of the high  chool no\\ knO\\  \\e are here to
                                      - D.R. Vining
                                        (.Ia  s of 2001

                                                                    las  of 2001
                                                                     ady  u  an rthing

          Freshmen Closing, 614
   614   615   616   617   618   619   620   621   622   623   624