Page 163 - chs-1999
P. 163
re t of th 1r te m
Columbia H gh JV Foo ball players are as fo lows (by
jersey numb r) 1 Jason Maxwel 2 - g G en, 3 -
U sses Ph1 ps 4 - Danny Kmg 5 Tony Cray, 6 -
Cart on Tuns 7- Davad Dunham, 8- M on Hug es 9
- Faba1n Jones, 10 - Thomas Olmstead 11 - Jay
M1ddleton, 12 - Brent Whitcomb, 13 Arthur Bryan , 14
- Darnen Legree 17 - Geof rey Harre I, 18 - Dernck
Auel en, 19- Bran Lucas, 20- Antomo Cray, 21 -Jordan
Hale, 22 - Deme nc Curry 23 - Andy orns 24 - Greg
Arlane, 25 - M e Perry, 26 - Jus n Robertson, 27 -
Kennon Hunter, 28- Donte' Ba er, 29- Vernon Masters,
30 - Joel Thomas, 31 - Rod•1ck M nn ef e d 32 -
Lawrence Gr en, 33 - Robert Arthur 34 Ash y Ward
35- C Magby, 36- Theo Mad son 37- Jarvez Wi es,
38 - Bnan A1gdon, 39 - Ed n Hernandez 40 - Shamar
Coles, 41 - Antavaous Thomp Ins 42 - Donan Mu ans
43-GaryP n am 44 St ph nJolly,45- ren Wa er
46- Chns Hayes 47- Rodney M nnae e d 49 - Lenard
Rob nson, 50- Vo d II W1l ams 5 - Sha Conway,
52- James Bnn ley, 53- Kns Farmer, 54- Darryl Reed
55 - Antwan Underwood, 56 - Justin Parks, 57 - Chad
Moore, 61 - M chael A hson, 62 - Javons Jones 63 -
Harry Paul Le , 64 - Darrell Pollard 55 - Enc H man
66 - Brandon Cra g 68 - Za Cromwe 69 - Andy
8 spham 72 -l.aja er Ba er, 73- Way e 8 an on 74-
rav1s Kmg 77- Dan el Roberts, 80- T edd e 5 ggs, 82
- Terry Pemb rton 83 - Leonard Tu s 85 Greg
Campbell, 88 - Ra mond Aab d au JV Coaches are
Donny Harnson Charles Mob ey, Joey O'neal, Lee
Dorsett Randy Ao , R ch e Koscha sky, and Tony
Junior Vars1ty football had another
remar abe year. The Tigers once again
dommated the area and wen 7-1 , with
the only oss comming from Ba er County.
Which coincidentally, was coached by J.V
football head Coach Donny Hamson's
brother. Bemg on the J.V. team is great
experience for the next step up to Varsity.
Columbia Htgh J.V left a lasting mar on
area schools - a mark of terror. With a
win over Suwannee and Lowndes, two
nvals of the Tigers, it made the one loss
seem mm1scule. "We had a really good
team this year, w1th a lot of freshmen. If
we eep up the hard wor we should fmd
ourselves playmg for a state champion-
ship one day," said freshman Dar:uel
J\ o tball I-