Page 184 - chs-1999
P. 184
Making Strides for Victory
They h d kft th ~h( ol not he led hi track. team to c~ond in
long go. The tmo phcre on the the tate. Th~.: rm.. ountr) team
bu one of n ict). The \\a J )OUn' one thi )Car, LOm-
runnt:r \\ere preparing for their pri cd mo-,tl) of frc hmcn, but the
fir t U\\ ) ~ro -~ountr) run. tt.:am ended the ca on\\ ith an out-
CoaLh Hallid ), the nc\\ olumbia tanding rcn>rd.
High ro ountf) ~oa~h. mad~: oach Hallida) look
hi round bout the bu . He fom ard to a oro\\ mg. tr~.:n 'the ned CRO~~ CO
t pped nd t 11\cd to each athlete, cro " countr) team that \\ 1ll br~.:ak
1\ing them \\.h t their coal \\Crc. rc~ord nd bring honor to olum-
"HO\\ fa tdO)OUthink)OU~anrun bia High for) ear to come.
the Lour e toda) . "he a k.ed. Coa~h
Hall ida) came o C H !rom
re .. ent it) H1.:- 1 L •wo . ''here
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l 0 ro ountry