Page 181 - chs-1999
P. 181

Boys' Junior Varsity Soccer



                                           arsity t  am  this year's junior     The JV team played in on  t  urna-
                             ar  ity  was  very young.  There  were  only  mcnt  this  year.  the  Ea  t  ide  JV Tourna-
                            thr  e juniors and live sophomores.  D  pitc  ment.  The Tiger  played Le  burg in the
                            th  ir  in  , pcricncc, the junior varsity  boy   fir  t round, and defeated th  m 3-2.  The
                             tarted  off  their  . ea  on  by  dcmoli  hin2   econd  round  wa  again  t  F  re  t  High
                            T  rry Parker 9-0.  The J  team  wa  und  r    c.hool. The game \\Cnt to a PK  h  ot-out
                            th  guidance of a ne\\  coa  h, T.D. Jenkins.  after the  ore lay  1-1  at th  end  f regu-
                              !though this was the  tr  t time that  oach  lati  n  time.  The  team.  \\-cnt  into  two
                            J  nkin  had  vcrh  encoachofa  portsteam  rounds of PK  ho  t- ut. but Fore. t came
                            at  H  , he  has heen involved in  olumbia  out on  top.  The third game wa  again  t
                            Y  uth  occ  rand  o]umhia Hioh ·  o  er        aincsville. The Tiger  ou  tc  the Hurri-
                            pr  gram  for many  ear  . He led hi  team to  cane  3-0.  and  t  k  third  pia  c  in  the
                            a 9---2  r  cord, one  of th  b  t for  the  J   tournament.
                             o  c  r program..  For the  fir  t tim  in  hi  -  It  \\a  a  ea  n  f  fir  t  for  the
                            tory. the JV  team defeated both  major di  - Tiger  .  Thi  }ear·  JV  team  ended  up
                            tri  t rivals, Lincoln and  ran1!e  Park.     with  nc of the b  t record  ever. and tht
                                                                          \\a  definite!: a) ear to  rememb  r.

                                                                                                The  1998-99  JV  boys'
                                                                                                soccer  earn:  Front Row
                                                                                                left to nght - Gordon Ellis,
                                                                                                Trav1s  Tyler ,  Travis
                                                                                                Medeiros, Chip Stevens,
                                                                                                Lu  e  Sh1ver,  Edward
                                                                                                Turner.   1dd e  Row  -
                                                                                                Michael  Catafo  Samuel
                                                                                                Johnson,  David  Boyd,
                                                                                                Dav1d  Ledford,  Lance
                                                                                                Stark,  Scott  Buzbee,
                                                                                                Darron  Bedenbaugh ,
                                                                                                Chase  Moses.  Sac
                                                                                                Row  - Greg  Welder,
                                                                                                Raymond  Rabideau ,
                                                                                                James  Fraser,  Mark
                                                                                                Scott,  Rajiesh  Pat1l,
                                                                                                Phillip  Mull1n,  Tucker
                                                                                                Lemley.   Coach  T.D.
                                     199  -19  9 1 o~  • .Junior         o  r

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