Page 262 - chs-1999
P. 262
· e in the
p cding do\\ n the inter tate of life, Dual
nr llment i "turb b t" to getting through
\\ith orne n · colle~elife.Timecanb a\edby
heading t y ur 2 al quickly. Thi program i
great at helpin~ out\\ ith that.Ju t imagine gettin~
thr ugh\ ith colle~e a much a tv. o) e r earlier.
Thi program initiali1e higher tandard for on
to folio\\ thu making their life more succc~ ful
0\ erall by getting a ta tc of\\ hat life i like earlier
than normal. Thi prooram prepare our tudent
fj r what li ahe d.
258, Dual Enrollment