Page 263 - chs-1999
P. 263
A "jumpstart" program that
gives students a chance to get
ahead in life.
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B d m Thorn and
hi pro 'IJm i a way to get ahead while in hioh it i up to you \\hether or not you learn it. In
<.:hool. oil g , while in high chool, i a cary turn, th rei mon.: re pon ibilit) on the tudent'
thought for omc and tor other it i een a part. The ubj t m tter i not taught, it i merely
omething incredible. rec college, to put it sim- introduced, nd it i up to th tudent to rna ter the
p!) Jvin time b doing two thino at on<.:e, kill on th ir O\\ n time. The in tructor gi e the
gt:ttmg mto the main tream of life a coupl )Car tentati e agenda for the wh Je erne ter the fir t
earli r, or e\ en a\ ing mone. b. Jetting the tat day of the I . Thi mean that i a
pay lor it through the Dual 4nrollment pr _ram. da , ou know what • u mi
The ~tate d pay for th o t of thi progr rn. the te t date ahead of time.
nc ould a\ mer 2, )Car b. doino thi There arc current!) m re than 6 tudent
early. That o t include tuition and b ok . enrolled in the dual enrollment pr gram. It i
Ia room life i totall) different. One doc n't po ible for the c tudent to graduate liege
need to rai c th ir hand and a k permi ion to u e with an o iate in rt or ociatc in cience
the re troom. Ia time range from one to three dcgre the am time) ou graduate High cho I.
hour dep nding on the cia that i b ino taken. Thi i ran: but it ha bct:n done in tht: pa t.
The profe or more or le d e not lo e Jeep if II in all it i a great bene It for the tudent
one doc n' t pay attention and goof off the whole ho are im olYcd. Thi program i not tore\ Cf)-
t:mc ter. He' there to giv a ignment and one. but for the tudent im oh ed. it i a\\ e orne.
Dual Enrollment, 259