Page 273 - chs-1999
P. 273

M  mona  : I remember going to a pos1  r party   Monica George tn
              Angela Smith                   1 1  grad   we almost got tn a lot of trouble•
                Ange"                        Goals· Go to a U   rslty  nd study to become  n englfleer or a
        o.o a. 7121  1 Po. a Gane  v•   FL   phar   CIS!
        Fav. Song: "Crash" Dave Mattnews Band
        Fev  Slogen  •rp be an rightr               Latuhe Nicole Trtlor
        Accompllehmente  Peer Cousellllg  JV  Softba  • Honor Roll, Honors   "Cote" or  Red"
        c  sses (91  Honors Classes, Patnt Your H  rt Out Ga nesv• te.  Sc~enc   D.O.B.: 07122181  P.O 8 : GalneSVI  , FL
        Fatr ParttCtPBnt (10), Spantsh Award  Honors C   Hooor Roll (t 1),   Fev. Song  "I Gotta Be"· J  gged Edge
        Dual EnroPm  nt  Execubve lm  mshtp, Volunt  r Award  Bnght Futures   F•"· Slogan : "Do umo o  era as you would have tl'lem do umo you •
        SchOlarship V,t,MC Volun   r ( 12)   Accompllehmente: Community Choir (9), {10)  Baskatba  (12)
        Memoria•  F rat day of my S  ntor ye  r   Memories: Pep Ra
        Qoale: B S  In   ~rang               G01l1  Gradual  from high SChool  go to college at LSU or Loulltanna
                                             Tech  or go to Atlanta  G,t, and rna   $40 grand or more a   ar  Maybe
              Ane,loue  m th                 g  married to B J
              Florance Smith                       Tarrondrtck Teylor
                                                  "TC", "Cleve"  "'c:  Cr  m•
              KI Smlth                       0 .0  B • Ot/12181  P.O B.:  Ga   ne  FL
                                             Fe"  Song · "I Gotta Be"  Jagged Edge
              Stephania Smtih                Fev. Slogan. "It eon t my fault •
                                             Accomplishment• . JV Footba I (9), (10), Varsty Footb   (11)  (12)  Pep
                                             Club (9), (1 t)  Molt Improved Play  r (10)
                                             Mamone•:   grade trip to ,t,tlanla  S  te Championshlp g  me
                       City  Fl              Goela· Go to 0Ms100 I COli   get degree  play Pro footba
                            nics (10) (11) (12)    Amber RoM Thomes
                                             D.OB.:06/1MI1  PO.B •   City  FL
                                             Fe"  Slogen ·   hat are you tl'l   ?"
                                             Accompli  hmente:Tem  (91  (10)  BetaCiub(9)  (12)  Journal$rT1(9
              Cetl'lenna Ann Spane  r        (10)  (12)  Orama{10)  S,t,OD(11)
                  "Ca                        Memories : Ftrst day of aentOr
        0.0 II. 02107181  P 0  B : Vtne  nd  N J   Goa II  Go to conege
        Fev  Song . Amencan P18
        Accompliehmente: Honor RoD (9) (10) (11) N H S  (10) (11)(12)   Plgonie Thomas
        W!los WhO (11)(12) Beta Club (10) (11) (12) Pet1ect Attendance (11)
           ad In U F (12)Leo Club (12)             Regan Terri Thomas
        Goa 11  Go to U F and MajOr In Zoology
                                                   Tarry Dean Thomes
              Cache  tatnekar
                                                     Mn Thompaon
              Ch  rlty Stamper
                                                   Mercia Lanett  Timmons
              Lance  llpl  ton                         "Tee"
                 tgDa                        0 .0  B : 12127180  PO B.: La  Clty  FL
        0 O.B : 01/14  1 P.O B.: lMI Oak  Fl   Fe". Song: "Lately"· DMne
        Fev. Song  "Let me Hlt  •. S  k      F•"· Slog en  "You  on t notl'lon niCe'"
        Fev  logan  • What'l Up"             Accompli  hmenta· Pep Club (91  HOSA {12)  Astra (12)  Lead  rshlp
        Accompliehmante. J v  Baeeban (9) (10) Varsity Baeeba  (10) (11)   (12)  Studem Council (12)
        (12)                                  mortea  ,t,  my years were memorable
         amoriel  97                         Goeia: To get my ma  re   rea In Occupa   Therapy
        Goats. To
                                                   Brendy Michel  Tomlineon
              Chari  I   SWirl                         "Brandywine"
                                             008 •12/2   POB   ROCk  A
              Lori S ewert                   Fn Song .   Heart Wi  Go On"· Ce   Oion
        OOB :   1 P.OB ·Tampa  FL            Fn Slogan : "Get over  r
        Fe"  Song:  My heart   on•- Ce  e Oion   Accompli  hmanta : Chorus (9)  (10)  Journa   (10)  {11)  CECF (12)
        Fev Slogan. "Fnendl are a   lh  reno   r w!lat happens"   DCT(12)
        Accompli  hmente  J A OTC (10)(11)(12)   Memories : Belllg In journai1S111 for 2 years stra
        Memorial  Spendlllg 1trne and hanging Out w tl'l my fnends   Goaie: College
        Goal  go to college and own my   busm   or partl'ler In
        accoun   f rm                              Kimberly Ann Tompk•n•
              Kelty Stith                    D.O.B : 07/03J81  P.O.B : La  e Cl  FL
                llybean"                     Fev. Song·"' W  A  rn   r You"· Sara  Mcla
        O.O.B.: 03/29181  P.O B :   0   A..   Fn Slog  n : "'h geez'"
        Fn Song:   11e   lng I awn•          Accompli  hmenta· JV Chee   der (9)  (10)  FCA (9)  Beta Club (9
        Fev  Stogen. 'Wha   I'"              (11)  (12)  lntaraCI (10)  (12)  S udent Council (10)  (11)  (12) Jr Class
        Accompllehmante  Beta Club (9) D,t, A E  (10) (11) Dance (10)   Va Pnas  (11)  Honor Sod   (11)  (12)  Crlmona  Justice {11)  (12)
             (11) leade   (12)               SADO (11)  (12)  Sr  Class Pr   (12 )
        Memories . When Columbia went to S  e   Memor •• The day I was elected seNor class preaiden  Poaler Parties
        Goale  A  end collage                Goals: Coli   . become wry auccesslul, get  marned  and ma   more
                                            money than my husbano
              Brendon Stubbs
               "Stubby· B                          Rebecca Lea Tomp  no
        D O.B : 02104181  P O.B.: La   City FL       Becky"  or"BLr
        Fev. Song: "WWtat s thiS  fe lol"    o.o.a · 02114'80  P.O B  Gal   FL
        Fev. SlOgan : • Ule a Only what you ma   Fe"  Song :"G   Cowbaf"  Molhugs
        Accompli  hmante  'II  arboOk and   r (12)   Fe"  SlOgan : ,'ve   two words br you  •
         emorlaa. Vlelaol                    Accompli  hmenta: FCA (9)  (10)  (11)  Student of !he
                                             Memories : 522  Tlce partie$  Bu   r King  Cowboy up  F rst day ol
              Lamanda Dawn Summera          senoor year
                   nda Dawn•                GOIII: College and become 1  PE  ach  r  MOI<e Out of La   C ty
        D.O.  B.: 01/181  1  PO. B.: Welch. WVa    Mtcheal Lanora TUne It
        Fn Song  "Oonl C1ole Your Eyes"·   Whltley
        Fav.  logan : "'ts o   w  unde   nd        Holly MlcheUe TUrner
        Accompli  hmanta:Chorus (9)  (10)  (11)  Love   Care Club (9)  Leo   Pe  y and pony r
        Club(1t)  DCT(12),CECF(12)          0.0 .8 .: 01.()1181  POB.• La   C   FL
        Mamor  1 . The bus rides to distric:ts and   e   chorul c   Fev  Song : "Time A  er T
        radlighl   ,t, S  and L G           Fav. Slogen: ''Who   be?"
        Goets  To becom   n Emergency M  d   Techn   Accompli  hmenta: Acadamic Le  er (9)  (10)  (11)  JV Volleytla  (9)
                                            (10)  Loving Care Club (9}  ,0,-B Honor (9)  (10)  (11)  Beta Club (9)  (10)
                lea Elaine Svtr             (11)  {12)  HOS,t, (12)
                                            Memories: Pep ra  -
                                            Goal•· Attend UF to become a Haa   Care Educatlon or RegtStered
                                            Nun;e· Obstetncs
              Dennis Swenadoa  I
                                                   Tre1f0r Tyler
              Amy JoTac  ell                      Btg  Heed  Chewy"
                                            0 .0 .8 .70101  1 POB  TampaFI
              DIAudra fYrlce Trtlor         Fev  Song  ·ee  er Man"·Pearl Jam
                  Dee                       Fev. Solgan : •  ey Bog  Buddy"
        DOB :   POB :La aCty FL             Accompli  hmants : Young Gun  ward (9)
        Fav  Song  "'oo Wop (That Thing)"· Lauryn H   Socc  r(9)(10)(11)(12)Gaone  v   Sun   reate   9){10) 11)
        Fav  tog  n: "''m not a player, I JuS1 crush a lot   M.V   ns   Player(10){11)MVP(11)6-,t,a  d  riclteam
        Accompliehmante: Acaoerruc La  r (9), (10), (11)  (12). ,t, ,t, H C  (91   Jad<sonville(11) Capban(12)
        (10), FHA (11),(10), (11), (12)  Pep Club (9), (tO)  (11), Honor SOCiety   Mamorlas· Destroyong Uncolon and Leon Soccer teams"'
        (9)  (10), Pre-Coaag  te (1 0), CJSA (11), (12). SADO (11). Beta Club   tournamemt  on the   me day
        (12), C  a Trea  urer (12)
                                                                                                     Sen1or Drrectory 269
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