Page 275 - chs-1999
P. 275
Fav Slogan: ou re a Bum'
Accompli hment1 Loving Care (9) Pap Cfub(9} HERO (tO) HOSAf12}
Stud nts For Chris1(12} Yearboo staff (12}
Memorlel. When 1he 1 cher id that She wanted 10 hear a ptn drop
nd ~~~~eryone dropped their pens on the floor
Goate: Go 10 6chool for physica therapy and get my cosmetology
April Wll 81
0 0 B.: 01115181 P.O.B •• No Car na
Fav. Song Me nd You"·Kenny Cheshey
Bruce Underwood Fav.Siogan 'A m no qu liOnS and I WI 1 you no lies
Accompli hment 'Honor SoCf ty(10} (11) (12} BETA (10} (11) (12}
PamelaVa co HOSA (11)( 12}
Goal :To be a &ucessful nurs nd 'llal"}' a wonc1 rfu man
Steel VIning
'Stac" Gregory William•
OO.B 01125181 PO.B.l.eke City Fl.
Accompt hmente J V cheerleader( tO} Varsity ch r1eader(11)(12}
SAOO(lt} udent Council (12} Na ona Honor SOCiety
Mernorle . Rid ng 1he r horle atlhe Or nga Pa M n FL
0o1 Go o College n a daycare c r Then ge married nd
club(10} c tna
Frederick Wat er .ng and rid ng
Joelah Edward William•
O.O.B : 08/14181 P.O. B.: Tacoma WA
Accompliehmente Track and Fteld (9} (10} (11} C erf der (11}
Cross Country (12} M mortel.1 pep ra tn gred
Goal I I p n to a end college end becom a corporal 1awy r
and ncer
W ndyWal er
Men .. Walm ley
Krl IIWard
Amber Wardell
RevleWamer l.endon William•
cay 11 12}
LaKadra WI !lame
11}(12} FCA ( 9 (10} French 11}
Sha ta William•
12} SAD0(12}
Je IICI Wilson
au Ioree
John Wilson
Katherine Wtleon
Jason Randall Watta
'J Dog'
0.0 B 12121180 PO B City A
Fev. Song • Footloose'
Fav.Siogan • ooope'
Accompllehmente: SA00(11) RobertWII on
emor~e: rod In Mong'
Goale Go o Coli Sequel• Wilson
Slephante Wilson
0 0 B.: 00121 I P.O B :La e Ci FL
Fev. Song My rt go on·
FuSiogan: Its An about Jesus'
ndenc 10 HtStory(10} Accompli hmentl Ma mg a lference(tO} (11} (12}
M mor~a :Chrislmas ewYear
e guys In autom rncs Goale Become a professlona Gosp mger phycholog
auto college G ng married nd keeptng In
ancy AnnaWII on
Krl tnta Wtll
O.O.B.: 08/15181 P.O B.:La C FL
Fav. Song: 'Save the best for
Memorie R I Day olllchool my Sernor Y, r
Goat To gred ate and be a PTA and m&l"}' Tra:111SN•SW8l'IOB
Jeremy Wolf
Genetta Zetghler
O.O.B.: 10108180 P 0 B : Gatnes 1e FL
Fav. Song : 'Gotte Be'· Ja~jged Edg
Travla Whtle Accompli hmenta·Afncan A ncan (9} Band (9} (10} L dershlp (12}
M morlel .Halllng 1' & b &ngln LOI/8 1he r Ia r forell8r
Earlethla Candace Chormatne Whttly Goale:Go to college nd major In adver end get married
O.O.B : 0712 1 P.O. B.: Gatnes FL
Fav. Song • Fred mmood
Sen1or D1rectory 271