Page 492 - chs-1999
P. 492
1Janie((e Pryor
You (taw been a ;art of my (ife in e
you wc:r&; 6rouafit into this "odi. 'T1i
part '1 wouG not muu or an_yr tina.
You ftave arown into a ,5)\ et ..'J U'VJ)).ir(
·witll .o mucfi to (oo' forwarrro in I!Je.
~(w,l_ys esyecr peryfi antf _you wiff go Jar.
~ lOVe you,
1 tnow " fta" 6un tfir u fi scm
touafi timt. togrt(l£T, 6ut w~ fiaw afs
6un tfirouafi' ry gooa nnus. '1 LO\OX
YO'U wry mucfi aruf wufi cu the wry for your juturt.
'1 (eve you,
488 Da elle Pryor