Page 494 - chs-1999
P. 494
Justin elson
Congratulattons, you ftnatly mod~ tt! You are a great
brother ev~n though somettmes you were o pest and
Would try to beat me up. I'll always remember o~.r
fights over who got to rtde up front, whtch TV show to
watch, and ~pectally remember everytime I would
as you to take me somewhere and most of the ttme
your on er was •NOJ• Good Luck wtth coli~. YOU/f'
career and evuythtng else you try to achl~ e. AI ays
remember to pt.It God first and you con achieve
anythtng. I'm always here for you when you nud me.
Love Yo1.r Stste.r,
Jimm and 2/(arche
IJ.n:Jr 7umn
7/J • "JKUI /11 y '<In fiu h "'' t/t h I ltm >j 111'/ /,jo~ l.Jrt
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ftr/jllo!nd. hul u 6., I jn 1 d. 7;, 1 1 a po~uc-" a d ..,mj 'II
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a/ 1odu'l 7 dun I ,+, "' D ltul 711 .,,Jd Ita"' d. 1 wtllt uti 'I"' 111
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7 m 1 "r'lpro11d oj y ur a<'< mplt ltmo!lll and 7 u 1 It 'I u lito!
b •I •.J fuc-/r //tal /, <' /Ja J I • .j}<'t 7J '/ II dtVaUI < .Ulot It I' I
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hmtmlhy at !ttl Ku.u und 7 /., lr J ,., arrl h lh • day ";,.,,
"" 6 ""'"' ""''"d a <JII<' hmm and .llranh ~ llrt•p
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7 J, 1 ,. ~"' tolli all of my h<all "''I .ul '"'I mud. my 6 d'l
ami o'Jylhu 'II hal 7 ',,,/d o'l "' I" ,6/y /.,. • 'I u ., 1/h 1
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Jlr a"/,., J! .. atllflt