Page 69 - chs-1999
P. 69

h               a       •           0  a / e'l plece

                                            Journall~m stud  nb hav  many  duties. They  ar
                                            re~ponslble for the Yearboo  Columbian and the
                                            Tlg  r  Tale  newsp  per.  Students  must  learn  th
                                            meaning or responsibility  and the  v  r Important
                                            word  OEAOLI  E'  Almost  all  work  Is  done  on
                                            compute~ and the  nt  rn  t is us  d wid  Jy. The class
                                            has s  "'  nt  n M  dntosh compute~ Including on
                                            !Mac  with  two  more  on  the  way. In  addition  to
                                            these,  we  also  hav  one  PC.  All  comput  rs  and
                                            materials ar  bought by the money e  rn  d from
                                            Journalism  stud  nts  Journalism  hopes  you  hav
                                             njoyed then  wspap  r   nd y  rboo  pro due  d by
                                            our <I  ss.

                                                                                  Web page designers Justin Nelson and
                                                                                  Jamie Pelhem scan a new Image.

                                                           Coli  ge applications can be tricky! lan
                                                           Ring fills his out with  ase.

                  Journalism  Ids love each other!

                                                                                                      Jouma sm  65
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