Page 69 - chs-1999
P. 69
h a • 0 a / e'l plece
Journall~m stud nb hav many duties. They ar
re~ponslble for the Yearboo Columbian and the
Tlg r Tale newsp per. Students must learn th
meaning or responsibility and the v r Important
word OEAOLI E' Almost all work Is done on
compute~ and the nt rn t is us d wid Jy. The class
has s "' nt n M dntosh compute~ Including on
!Mac with two more on the way. In addition to
these, we also hav one PC. All comput rs and
materials ar bought by the money e rn d from
Journalism stud nts Journalism hopes you hav
njoyed then wspap r nd y rboo pro due d by
our <I ss.
Web page designers Justin Nelson and
Jamie Pelhem scan a new Image.
Coli ge applications can be tricky! lan
Ring fills his out with ase.
Journalism Ids love each other!
Jouma sm 65