Page 72 - chs-1999
P. 72



                            Th     la               1  ju  t g  tting fir  d up!

                                                   '                                         Some  p~opl~  think  th,tt   lr.

                                                                                             '-,tar!..'  da  i  ca  \  hut  junior
                                                                                             '-,tt:Hn c;il and  huck J>c  •I  r ha\~
                                                                                             .a  di  f~rt:nt  opinion  ahnut  thi  .
                             1emori  are a gift of human kind.  M  mori   'rant u  th  gift to look h  k   I ht:\ thin!.: th  d  1  i  r  alh chal·
                                                                                             lcng'ing.            •
                            ten  ear  atter  omethin!!  happ  n  and  mile.  Th  )  oi\t?  u  a laugh  if

                            nothing el  e i  funny. and on!)  v.e can remember them and look hack at

                            it and it b" a p  rt of our pa  t.  Po  ter Partie  . Pep Rallic  , Homcl:omin  .

                            partic  in _cneral. and  \ef) placc \\h  re there  \\a  , gathcrin  offriend
                            and  tudent  th  re  \\ere  man)  laugh   mile  , fro\\ n . and  tear  .  High

                             chool memorie  are  orne of th  mo  t valuable po  e  ion  one cane\ er

                            O\\ n.  Time  ill and can make th  e mernorie  gro\\ and h  wme  o fond

                            to u  that no price offercd to u  \\ill rnak  u  \\ant to gi\ e them up.  I kn m
                            I\\ ill trea  ure the  e time  \\here life i  carefree and fun aren't al\\ a)  ju  t

                            around the corner,\\ aiting to happ  n, hecau  thi  tim  \\on 'tla tlon •.  A

                            the)  ay, "time fli  ...  B  fore\\  kno\\  it allot our High  cho  lm  rnorie

                            willbemadeand\\ernu  tmo  e  ntothcnc  t  tageinourli\e  andallof

                            u  \\On 't choo  e the  a me  pial:  to  go  for  our ne  t  ta  e in  life.  Trul)
                            ch  ri  h each m  mory m. deb  cau  e, h  fore you kno  it, that'  , II) ou'll


                            - dam Thoma

                                                                 c;ctting up clo  in p ·r onal to  .•
                                                                 th(·  Football  game,  Michelle
                                                                  cippio get  th~ b  t 'i ·n  Hr of
                                                                 the football ~-:arne.

          68, Juniors
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