Page 77 - chs-1999
P. 77


                                                                     ''I love it!"  That 1s the common reaction of students in the
                                                              Class of 2000 when as  ed how they feel about being in their
                                                              Class and for a good reason.
                                                                     Smce the Class of 2000's surpnsing Homecoming victory
                                                              as Freshmen, it had become apparent that this Class had some-
                                                              thmg "spec1al".  Teachers and students alike agree that the Class
                                                              of 2000 has what 1t ta  es to ma  e a difference in the future.
                                                                     Our Class unity and focus continues to impress me year
                                                              after year, I see a bnght future in store for us all" said Junior Class
                                                              Prestdent Jess Johnson when asked what sets the Class of 2000
                                                              apart from everyone else.
                                                                    The Class of 2000  s often complemented for having great
                                                              leadership, which is necessary for a successful and determined
                                                              class to achieve new heights.  However, nothing would happen
                                                              Without the hundreds of dedicated students that work hard to help
                                                              their Class.  Loo  for good thmgs to come out of this Class m the
                                                              next century!
                                                              -By Patnck Douglas

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