Page 11 - chs-2000
P. 11
MMr. Cl an" and h1s
crew are gettmg
hyped up for the pep
rally. Eric Stevens.
Jonathan Ulsh, and
Tommy Talmadg
ready to cheer for the
Sophomores are silent In
suspense as they wa1t for the
announcement of the winner of
the sp1rit st1c . The Sophomores
Impressed the upperclassmen
as they showed theirT1ger p1rit
yell ng and screammg at the f1rst
pep rally.
Below: Who flung cow
dung?" Excl 1ms Travis
Koon, Vernon Masters
and La eva Shant During
the f1rst pep rally e ch
class competed to see
who could catch the mo t
cow manure. Wouldn·t
you behave It? The
Jun1ors won.