Page 13 - chs-2000
P. 13

ife                 Better

                                                                                              y  u  rca  cnior
                                                                     ife is better when you are a  enior.
                                                               L     maintaining a  PA. and you ha  e to get a job
                                                                       ·  t you ha  e to get u ed to the pre  ure of

                                                               to pay ott the debt acquired by buying  enior T- hirt
                                                               cap and gown  and all of the other neces  itie  .  Then
                                                               you have to apply for college  and  cholar  hip  in the
                        • Kiss Me • I'm a S  n1or,"
                        says K  ren o·Neal  Matt                pare  time  that  is  nonexi  tent  becau  e you  ha  e t
                        Aobm  on and Karen know
                        what  k s  mg cousins" are             attend  the  nece  ary  function   uch  a  Burger King
                        all about.                             after  chool.  occer  practice.  and  tudy  group  that
                                                               never prepare you for tc  t  . After you an  wer a million
                                                               and a half p  ople \Vith  "I d  n 't know where t  go to
                                                               college yet. and I'm not  ure what I want to do\\ hen
                                                               I g  t there." y  u can  it back and look at what i  around
                                                                     The tree  arc bigger. your parent  arc  horter.
                                                               mon    mean    omething.  and  the  term  "girlfriend"
                                                               carrie  much more  eriou  Implication  You are older.
                                                                'ow.  looking  backward  tell  a  little  of\\ hat  lie
                                                               ah  ad.  You're a  enior and life i  better  People are
                                                               'tarting  to  re  pect  your dec1  Ion   Your  deci  ion
                                                               actual!  mean  omething.  The r  t  fyour hfc  tart
                                                               on Jun  6, 2      n the grand  cale. you are  tarting
                                                               your trek into life   1m ph  ti  ally. you're lea\ mg High
                                                                c.hool, e\erythmg matter,  now.
                                                                                                 u tin  11i
                                                                                                  n  r

                                                              Wor  ing hard on Underclassman p1cture day, Journal sm student Jason Moussa hands
      Wi  hlng Tre Orr good luc  1n the game tonight, Lin I  y Hamss shows her support for the
                                                              out p1cture order forms  Jason thought that he needed a hard hat to deal with all the
      Fl  ht ng T1g  r football t  am a  th  y compete again  t an opponent 1n their journey to the
                                                              stud  nts who lined up outside of room 10 for their school day photo op. He was right!
      d1slnct champ1onsh1p

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