Page 159 - chs-2000
P. 159


                                                                                             bo\ e·  Befort  an  rnjury  u•ould
                                                                                            cause Trtl'rs Orr robe our for  the
                                                                                            season .  ht  was  able  ro
                                                                                            dtmonstratf  hrs  talent  here  en
                                                                                            route ro  a Columbra l'rctory Ol'tr
                                                                                            the  leon lrons.
                                                                                              Although Tre' Ll•ould  m ss  the
                                                                                            rest  or the  season. he  was  still
                                                                                            recrurttd  htaL'fly  around  the
                                                                                            natron .  Coaches  lrl:t  Bobby
                                                                                            B o ll'  d  t  n ( F S  U J •  J  I m
                                                                                            D o n n a n ( U G A ) •  a n d  S t fl' t
                                                                                            Spurmr(liF) subsequently came
                                                                                            to  lal:t Crtu to ttrsrt Trt', ln hopes
                                                                                            to add  hrm  to rherr 21   rosters.
                                                                                                 "I  fttl  honored  to  be
                                                                                             recognized  nauon-Ll•ldt." sard
                                                                                            Orr.  "bur I'L•t  got a brg  decrslon
                                                                                             ro  mal:t."
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