Page 164 - chs-2000
P. 164
1999-2000 wm
e iz h; u i r ond
The \\ tmmer of l 9 do\~..: into their n~..:w di. trict, and swam a ain~t a strong ~
d t Jm . Th jurnp~..:d from on~.: of the ea icst di tr i t in the tat~.: t
~ con td red. th y did prett) \\ell. Doug 1organ coach d,
help doutb J 1 antcoach r~..:gKu':mi r ki.Both\\cr fair] pl a ed\\ith
\\ tmm r ' p rformanc thi year.
~ e\ er I ne\\ h I r~..:cord \\ere made. n the nirl side, lar i kr \\ h )
~ \\a M t Impro\ed and M) tV Jluc.tblc forth~.: girl ) . et th~..: I 00 Buttcrn ' r~..:cord. For
~ the b ) . Jared lh n ( o t Yaluabl on the boy' . id ) . et th~..: I 0 Butt rny and ......
the 2 Indn tdual M dl ) r~..: ord . th~..:r achi v m nt inciud 1o t I die at d ~ r
~ Mi h lle Perkm c.1nd Dan Harle). o t Impnn ~..:d for John h rna , and 1 t
~ ptrited f r Dan Harle and Li a Hardwick.
160, a Jty Swimrnm