Page 168 - chs-2000
P. 168

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         1-r: Bac  Row: Coach Randy A  grster, Shane L  ng,
         TraVIs Ttmmons, and Ass1tant Coach Steven Smrthey.
         M1ddle Row: Ke1   Eddy, Tuc  er Lemley, Brandon
         Reeves, Josh Lester,  nd Jeff  orns. Front Row:
         Jordan Hale, Z  ch Gr  no  • Br  ndon Harns, and
         Andrew Aob1nson.

                The Boys' Tiger Golf team
         successfully aefenaea their
         District golf title by defeating
         13 other schools in the District
         3-2A Tournament. This was the
         thira straight District Champi-
         onship for the Boy's Program
         ana the fourth out of the last
         five years. During the regular
         season~ the Tigers compiled a
         recora of 25 wins ana four
                Senior Travis Timmons won
         the Inaiviaual District Title with
         a rouna of two unaer par~ 70.
         Timmons haa a seaon average of
         39 per nine holes. The remaining
         members of the District team
         incluaea fellow Senior  jeff
         Norris~ also with a 39 average;
         junior Tucker Lemley: 38 aver-
         age~ junior Keith Eaay: 112 aver-
         age~ ana Sophomore Anarew
         Robinson: 111  average.
                -Coach Ranay Register

                                              R1ght Puttmg  h1s  way to VIctory, Jeff Norn   ows hiS
                                              mastery of the green.
                                              Left  Pracucmg for h  next  1 e commerc1al, Tuc  er
                                              Leml  y  hows o  h s s  I  Tlger Wood  tyl

         164, Boy  G  If
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