Page 211 - chs-2000
P. 211
wh1l Do 1 unv I h• pi n fi r De\\
th drama
• t
h llddltn
drama production, Th Me ny Lov s of
Dobie illi . The play wa a comedy
t in th fi ftie . Y e . p odie kirt and
all! It wa about a \ ery mart young
man narn d Dobie illi , play d by the
e · cptionally talented ·li Lamon, \\ ho
get trick d by the attracti\ e Helen
Di. ·on played by liah I hornrani,
who u, es him to get a cience project
done. Helen' jock boyfriend. Pete_
Bellow , played \ onderfull by Za h
Huddle ton. goe along \ ith the plan
by pretending that Helen ha left him
for Dobie. While Dobie i doing all
the thing to keep He! n in hi mer
for keep , he u e him to get what he
\\ant . M anv. htle. dO\ n to earth
B nnie. depicted p rfectl by Je tca
nder n. trie to com in e D bte t 1at
he i th one for him. During all thi
turmoil the ho papt.:r d e broke. the
dan e ent rtainment end up being a
funky Lithuanian band. and th el gant
dn.: e , Limbo Lamb. played remark-
abl) by Jennifer Vaughn. threaten to
ruin D bie' hope of making the dance
a u cc after +Jnding out he got th re
on fa! e prete e All in all. D bie
om in e Ltrnbo to ta . the dan and
the cho paper were a\ ed. and Bonnie
+-nail get Dobie a he walk off th
tage a, the very fir t ho Home om-
n... ue n. Pete) e ort Limb t th
dan e \\hile the mfam u Helen g to
fill in or a m1 mg per on m th lly
Lithuanian band
When all \\J atd and d ne. th a t
member were happy with their pt:rfor-
man e and th \\ c 1t all to the
Dram 20