Page 217 - chs-2000
P. 217

oth  r y  ung m  n with the  am  8lJtj4'
                                    We  formed  friend  hip  with

                                  alue  and  arnhition  that  we
                                                               An  honorable  experience  - forever  in  our  memories

                                                                                          •1 met many friends that I
                                                                                         am still keeping ·n contact
                                                                                          with.  Boys  State was a
                                                                                         great place to learn leader-
                                                                                         ship and team work. • said
                                                                                                Tre Orr,  left

                                                              Right: On the road to Boys'
                                                               State, Jess Johnson and
                                                              Patrick Douglas check the
                                                              map to make sure they are
                                                                 on the right road to

                                                                    ew Friend  , Wonderful E  perience  ,
                                                                             Time  to Trea  ure

                                                                                                        B  )   tate, 213
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