Page 223 - chs-2000
P. 223

h  Pride of Colunbia County

                                · ght. ng Tiger Marc  ng

                            Ba  d  urn                                   p the Volume

                               ike mo  t e  ery other year. the  olumbia High   itiz  n'   ield in  Gaine  ille, Fl. for the an-
                              chool Band b  gan it  year two week  before the  nual Florida Bandma ter  A  o  iation marching
                             re  t of the  tud  nt b  dy. Beginning  ugu  t 9th and  fe  ti  a!.  t thi  fe  tival, th  band made a  uperior
                             continuing through  ugu  t 20th, the band'  of 1  - rating in ea  h of the categoric  judged. AI  o, on
                             er  help  d  to  tea  h  the  in  oming  fre  hman  th   1  ov 13th, the band attended the "Ancient City"
                             fundam  ntal  of mar  hing, maneuvering, and the  marching competition m  t  Augu  tine, Fl. Thi
                             militar  -like c  mmand  u  ed to make a  uc  e  ful   a  our fir  t year thi  fe  tival, and we
                             program.  nd  r the field dire  tion of  enior Drum  were  rated  with  either  a  up  rior  or  Di  tin-
                               ajor'  Morgan  Ellis  (Head  Drum Major), Tina  gui  h  d  up  rior rating in each of the categone
                              ail,  and  Kri  Gintz,  a  well  a  Band  Captain  judged.  fter  making the  final  competition at
                              nthony  Rodriguez  and  Flag   aptain  Cry  tal   t  Auou  tine  the  Band  a  ranked  5th  pla  e
                                   rry, th  band  pra  ticed  to  p  rfe  tion  thi   O\ erall.
                             year'  go  p  I  ho   "  11  God'   hildren  G  t   nother big event for the Band wa  our cam-
                             Rhythm'', with mu  ical  election  'Let   Break  paign for ne  uniform  . Becau. e of the inc rea e
                             Bread  Togeth  r"   hme  Down",             in  the  numb  r of  tud  nt  . and the  Ia  k of uni-
                              hariot  ," and "Ho\\ Great Thou  rt".      form  .  the  Band  t:  tabli  hed  a  temp  rary  uni-
                                 n   to  r 2  1999. the band traveled to   ~ rm.  on  i  ting of a purple p  lo  hirt and black
                                                                         dre  pant  .
                                                                            Becau  of the genero  It) of local bu  me  e
                                                                          and  individual  upporter  throughout the  com-
                                       0  ! B  nd Dir  ctor  Break It
                                                                          munity  the ''Pride of Columbia Count  " \\ill be
                                   0\VO •••••                             marchmg  with  brand  new  uniform  ne  t
                                                                          e·  on v e w  uld like to e  tend our  in  ere ap-
                                              d  !r Ad  m  dan  fi  r th  band dunn  th
                                                                          preciation to the  upp  rter  for th1  cau  e
                                                                                      - Kn  Gintz

                                                                                                               nB  d

                                                                                            Columbia High School Band,
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