Page 226 - chs-2000
P. 226
Flo ida Bright Futures Scholarship
• Be a florida resident as determined by your college.
• Attend an eligible Florida college and
pursue an undergraduate degree or
enroll in a post-~econdary adult
vocational certificate program.
• Begin using the award within three
ye81'S: of your High School graduation.
• Regi9te1' for at least six ~eme~r
COU1"9es per tenn.
You can't walk down ~ Sophomore lWl
without noticing ~ magnificent algn bearing
the rwne of ~ Bright Future. Seholanlhip
recipients. ThB piecea of~ 8lgn would ha~•
never come together without the countleae
hours of hard blj the t.dnted Summer
Above lBft: Making her way down the lift of endlea student rwnec,
Mrs. J<haclugan calla Cryatal ~berry down to review Nl' Bright
Future. Qualjficatio Cry8tal wu }>W d to Nlar that had met
the qualiflcatioNI to reoove the Bright Futurea Scholarchip.
Above: ~ ~ find out tNiy are qualifltd for ~ Bright
Futurea thBy are excittd to ahare thia with their friend& Among ~
atud.enta who ha~• ce bloated with their fNnda the abcwt
pictured: Juon Mouaaa. Avery Crapp.. Je• John8on. Jac)d JohNon,
J Owen-. and B1alca Cor.
Left Thanlc:s to the artiatic atua.nte in Journalian for making eigne
for Jltudenta who w re acc6pted into a coll6gt. Patrie V. Douglu 11
lucky that hB haa many different to chooet from. A. long
hB chooeta a college in Florida hB will be ab~ to go foJ' fret btca
of the Bright future• Seholarahip.
222 FL Bright Futures Scholarship