Page 250 - chs-2000
P. 250
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The long awaited enhance the quality
high school is com- of education for the
ing together! The students of Colum-
high school at Ft. bia County.
White is located One of the most
north of the town of exciting things at
Ft. White on State Keith the new facility will
Road 47. be 300 brand new
Hatcher will
The school is de- computer stations
lead the new
signed to accom- to go with all of the
modate 1 ,080 stu- school as new furniture and
dents and 56 faculty principal. other special items
members. Mike Hunter that the school will
The principal will have. Getting a new
will be
be Keith Hatcher. school prepared
Mike Hunter will be Athletic has been a tremen-
Director and
the Athletic Direc- dous job and gain-
tor and Head Foot- Head Football ing acceptance by
ball Coach. Coach. students has also
The school mas- been a challenge.
cot name will be " Ft. This beautiful
White Indians" and school will soon
the school colors open it's door and
will be red, black, welcome many new
and white. When teachers and stu-
complete, the new dents to the biggest
school will provide and newest school
many quality pro- in the county.
grams which will - Karen O'Neal
Beauttful bird rising from the ashes, Build1ng " gleams Sporttng a new bright pat1na (color) metal roof, buildtng" L" awaits
w1th tts new trusses tn place. The school w11l be one of the most the new arriVal of the upcom1ng students
beautiful examples of school architecture 1n the state.
246 Fort White School