Page 254 - chs-2000
P. 254
att ;;lve each ot.'ler
a big contnbutor to tud n s
to FC~ aod HSCT
I'm proud of the efforts
that have been put forth b. Bet\\een fifty and ixty
the faculty, staff. and
students have come
students. It's great seeing every Saturday for FCA T
C\-'ei)One pulling together tutonng. I lieve
-Ms houp
that the hard work will
pa when testing com
around. . Clark has
don a wonderful job
organizing these study
ODS and getting
things together."
"A lot of t1me and preparat•on is put
into these part•cular tests. I t in
Columb a H1gh does a great JOb In
do1ng their best to prepare us for 11.
We hould not ta e the e pr v I lot
granted and concentrat more
adv1ce is grven for our benefrt •
- CandeceW
Mrs Shoup tells her tudents that an •t hope you guy are studyrng·, says
portan p fort e HSCT concentrate and Mrs.Ctar1< whrle conductrng her da lly FC~T
a~e your me preparaoon