Page 186 - chs-2001
P. 186
Three seasons of exciting Columbia
sports allow year round school spirit.
For some teams 1t was a building year, a time to
find that chemistry that unites the team for success. For
others it was a time to come alive and show their Tiger
Pride. The football team slammed into the fall season
with a magnificent win against the Valdosta Wildcats led
by quarterback sensat1on Cory Randolph.
The football team wasn't the only team to experi-
ence good fortune. For the boy's swim team, Jared
Allison's advance to the state meet gave them a taste of
success. Girl's junior varsity soccer team tasted bitter
defeat in two shut out games, but maintained an excel-
lent record throughout the season.
Months of mtense wo outs and sore calves facthtated the successful Cross Country
season of sophomore Marcus Marshall. After runntng 16.16 at 4 A Regtonall ftnals.
he advanced to the state meet 1n TitusVIlle where he placed 37 of 170 runners. Desp1te
e best season 1n school h1story, the boys varsity team placed 5 of 12 teams at 4 A Golf was a sport WJth little recog·
01stncts bu d1d no advance further
nttlon but seasoned juntor Chtp
Stevens sh ned n the latter part
of the ason The gtrl's team
f1n shed an tmpresstv fourth at
Reg1onals, JUSt short of an ad·
vancement to state.
182, Sports Introduction