Page 190 - chs-2001
P. 190

Pigskin  Playaz

           ... To a stron  finish!
              The last five games of the season were, by far, the
           most 1ntense.  The Tigers faced Ed White High first,
           and pulled through with a 29-23 win.  That was just
           the beginning as the Tigers went on to suffer their first
           loss to Eastside, 21-20, 1n  the closest game of the
           season.  Their next loss was another extremely close
           one at the hands of L1ncoln.  They came back to
           crush the Suwannee Bulldogs, 4 7-14  Desp1te all
           the1r efforts though, they lost to Tate in the last game
           of the season,  19-16.  With their fourth consecutive
           d1stnct t1tle,  the Tigers had an amazing season with a
           f1nal  record of 9 wins and 3 losses, hav1ng beaten
           their long time rival, The Valdosta Wildcats, 25-13, in
           the preseason class1c.

                                                                   A  v  Semor Quarterback Cory      Sen or Jerome Carter loo
                                                                   Randolph hands the ball off to Semor   for an opemng as he breaks toward
                                                                  Farnn Legree for a sure f~rst down.   the endzone

                           30-Johnny Haw  ns   66-Brandon Cra1g
           1-Ciiff Magby   27-MI  e Perry   71-Chnt Bla
           2- Terell Gnff1n   28-Vemon Masters   12-LeJav1er Baker
           3-Duslln Graddy   29-Kennon Hunter   74-lvey Carter
           4-Dernc  Fluellen   30-Johnny Ha   ns   75-Edwtn H. Gunn
           7-Davld Dunham   34-Arthur Bryant   76-Joe VanS1se
           9·  yfe D1c  s   38-Sam Jones    77-Danlel Roberts
           10-Thomas Olmsted   42-Theo Mad1son   78-Darre I Pollard
           12-Cory Randolph   43-DeShawn Byrd   85-Chns Jordan
           13-Scott Pmkham   50-Enc Thomas   ~
           14-Xavler Perry   51-Michael All1son   Head- Danny Green
           19-Farrn Legree   52-Harry Paul Lee   B1lly Hale
           20-Anton1o Cray                  B1lly Young
                           53-James Bnn  ey
           21-Jerome Ca  er   55-Antwan Underwood  Fran  Beasley
           22-Dewayne  ewsome   56-Brent W1ll1ams   Tony Jones
           23-Demetnc Curry   60-Chad Moore   AI Nelson
           24-Greg Arlme   61-Roger Little   Chad Mobley
           27-MI  e  Perry   63-Antjuan Cam1el   Denn1s Dotson
           28-Vemon Masters                 Tra1ner- Jeff Leroux
           29·Kennon Hunter

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