Page 236 - chs-2001
P. 236
JV Volleyball pi ed up
their ea on w·th an 1-6
on of thrill
Above Hanna Turman "lights up• a serve Serves
h e these helped the Lady Tig rs ach1eve a wmmng
Lett. Bac Row Brand Ducoeur
Middle: left· Hanna Turman, and Knstm Elton
Bottom: left·Sarah Le1ghty, Tam1 Lapham, and
D1anna Roberts
The JuniorVarstty Lady Ttger Volleyball
team fmished out the seasonwtth a record of
11 wins and only 6 losses. Finishing off the
season with a dominating win over the
Suwanne Bulldogs was the finishing touch to
a great year with Coach Janet Boggs.
The great thing about this team was their
ability to work as a unit and go to the next
Lett. Tam1 Lapham read1es herself to rec1eve the ball.
She 1s determ1ned to w1n.
Above· Knst1n Elton sets the ball for a mass1ve sp1ke
by Brand Ducoeur.
R1ght. D1anna Roberts warms up for the b1g match
aga1nst Orange Park. She IS on fire.
232, JV Volleyball