Page 241 - chs-2001
P. 241
John Thomas blasts out of the water a he se enior Jeffrey Pennington snatches a quick breath
his sights on a first place flnish. and continues to shoot forward in his 1 00 yard
The Col mb1a lhgh Wli11 Team dove into th
ne century thi cason with its right flipper
first. Both th girls and boy teams had a sle""
of new face , and con. equently most of the
individual ho ed much improvement
throu bout the season. The boys bad an
excellent cason, po 1bly the be t ever, and
·on every match but two 1th one of those
two bem a tie. Thi rem a le record is due
to a considerably larger team than m pre 10us
years and an even mixture of veteran and new
S\ immers. The boys mana ed to _end a relay
(200 Free Relay) to the State FinaL as ""ell a
Jared Allison, a senior captain, in two
individual events (50 Freestyle and I 00
Freestyle) Jared a! o h d hool records in
four events this season; the I 00 Butterfly, I 00
Bat stro e, 200 Individual Medley, and 100
Free tyle. Added to a record previously et in
the 400 Free Relay, Jared had five chool
records in his high school career, more than any
other ~w1mmer to come throu h Columb1 The
girl team a1 o d1d \o\-'elL despite not wmnin as
many matche . The lady tigers faced many
challenge thi year, includin injurie for
everal of the wimmers, as ell as fe\o\-er
numbe than virtually ev·ery other team they
ompet d with. Despite these handi ap th
girl· individuals S\o\-am ell Both team
too forward to having a great season ne t year,
and \-en more e ceptional improvement in the
years to orne.
The Tigers fle their fms for a quit pic. Top row: (L-R) can Brashear, John Thomas, Jared Alhson, tefan
ash, Jeffrey Pennington. Middle row: (L-R) Assistant Co ch Drew Sloan, Cody Barrs, Aaron Jenkins, Travi
Rus ell, Dane Collette, Dan Harley, Co h Doug Morgan. Bottom row (L-R) Keryn Herndon, Brandy Mee ,
Salena Westberry, Brittany Wei h, A hie Duncan. ot pictured: Je ica McCullough, Michelle Perkins, Me an
Bi h p, Donnie Conner, Matt Gei ler
\\liD Team 237