Page 201 - chs-2002
P. 201

"For  the  past  six  years  I'\ e
                                          coached many types of girls. This
                                           year  my  squad  was  outstanding.
                                          They got along \Vonderfully and I
                                           am going to mis'> them.

                "All  the  coaches  are  very  dedi-                 ··we had a very experienced team
                cated to making the Tigers the best                  this year. We placed well in all of
                in every event we compete in.  Our                   our  matches.  ext  year  we  will
                                                                     have a lot of returners and hope to
                staff i'> a combination of youth and
                                                                     have a Jot of fun."
                experience and together the}  meet
                the needs of our students and com-
                                          Coach Meg Haley: V. Cheerleaders
                munity very well."

              CTORY,  ASK FOR


       ELF.  E~EN MORE YOU

       TO  US  ALL."

                                                                        ··overall our athletic program had excelled thi  year.  Each of
    C ADAGE                                                             our program.  have  p  rformed  well  and  each  had  excellent
                                                                        leadership from our coaches. I am very proud of their efforts."

                                          Coach Brian Saunders: V.  Baseball  "The Bo\\lingTeam is in it.  fifth
                                                                     year of exi-.;tence and has  om-
                                                                     piled  an  unbeaten  record  of 50
                 "The  boys  came  out  and  put
                                                                     wins  and  0  losses.  The  Lady
                 their hearts in this game.  I am
                                                                     Tigers arc led b}  a strong group
                 very  proud  of  what  they
                                                                     of semor-.  who  have  competed
                 accompoli  hed  and  look  for-
                                                                     since they were freshmen."
                 ward to next season."

                                           'The '02 team had a lot of poten-
                                           tial.  with  fi\e  returning  start  rs.
                                           that helped at the beginning of the
                                           '>ea-.on  until th  rookies could get
                                           their feet  \\'Ct."

                 oach T.D. Jenkins:  Boys V.  Soccer
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