Page 202 - chs-2002
P. 202

Below: Working in  group  is a fun   Below:  Renita Johnson  is concen-
                                                        way  to work on a  ignments.   tu-  trating hard on her homework.  he
                                                        dents teaching  tudents  i  a pro  en   know  he must study hard to "make
                                                        effecti  e learning method.   the grade  ."



                                    he  heart of any school is  its aca-
                                    demic  successes.  CHS  is  the
                                    proud home to many AP classes, a
                                    National  Merit  Scholar  (Matt
                                     Blackie), Bright Futures and Voca-
                                    tional Gold Seal winners, and indi-
                                    vidual  honors that earn  students
                                    thousand of dollars.

                      FCAT and HSCT testing prep has been the primary
                    focus of this school year but a lot of class time is spent
                   on  achieving  excellence  in  classroom  work,  Science
                    Fairs, essay contests, and group work.  Seniors toiled to
                   complete their Senior Projects.  Taking notes, outlining,
                    memorizing,  individual  investigations,  all  combined  to
                    give  student's  a  good  education.  Daily  activities  like
                    reading the  newspaper, discussions of current events,
                    silent  readings,  and  the  five  paragraph  essay  writing
                    were all part of a rigorous program to educate students.
                    Many  seniors  were  admitted  to  college  as  a  result  of
                    making top grades and scores on  ACT and SAT.  The
                    future is bright and those who choose to do their best will
                    be bright stars in the history of Columbia High.

                                                                                 hristina Mose.  present.  her
                                                                  project  on  Water  Filtration.  Getting  in  ol  ed
                                                                  early in high  chool i  a good predictor of future
                                                                  achie  ement  .

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