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P. 224

Das  Beste  A us  Deutschland

                                                 The Best Out of Germany

              Imagine  leaving  home,  family,  and   an only child and i~ now learning what   Miriam's  hobbies.  he  abo  enjoys
            friends.  to  tay  with  complete  trang-  living with a big family is  like.   American food. When asked what is the
            er~ in  another country.  Thou~ands of   In  Germany, students begin  learn-  major difference between Germany and
            foreign e  change student<. take thi.  ad-  ing  nglish in the fifth grade and study   the  mted  tates. Miriam fact was that
            venture every year.  They have to learn   it throughout  high school. Miriam has   the legal age for drinkmg and smoking
            to  adapt  to  new  environments,  lan-  sharpened her skills while being in the   in Germany i  16. while here in the  .S.
            guage  .. and . chools.      nited  tates and  speaks English flu-  it\ 21  for  drinking and  18  for  smok-
              Miriam Plump i.  Columbia High's   ently, with an appealing accent.   ing. However. one must be I  to legally
            on I  foreign exchange  tudent coming   Graduating  from  olumbia  High   drive.  he  finds  it  strange  to  see  so
            all  the way from  Bremen. which is  lo-  will be a highlight for Miriam.  he en-  many teens driving.
            cated in the northern part of Germany.   joys schools. and says her favorite class   It  has  been  a  interesting change
            Thi.  17 year old  enior  ays  he became   is  rt  with  Mrc.  Hines.  She  loves the   here.  Furthermore.  Columbia  High
            a  foreign  exchange  . tudent to get  the   way CH  has. o much school spirit and   chool  welcomes  Minam  Plump and
            chan  e  to  learn  another culture.  meet   was thrilled to have the opportunity to   hopes she continues to enJOY  Colum-
            new  people.  and  understand  the   experience  Homecoming.  Miriam   bia County and her stay in  the  nited
            "  merican  way  of life."  Miriam  cer-  states that  "  chools in  Germany have   tates.
            tainly  is  getting  opportunities  for  ex-  no school spirit, so it was very hard for   By Erin Adams
            panding her horizon  .. One of the most   me  to explain  Homecoming and what
                                                                   Below·  Mmam ha'>  a lot of sch<X)I  spmt as
            challenging things . he has had  to ad-  it \\as all about."
                                                                   she show' off on Western Day   he enjoys
            JU~t to i.  living with mne other people   Tennis.  going  out  with  friends,   Homecormng  w1th  her  new  fncnds  A'>hley
            m one hou. e.  Ba  k in Germany, she is   watching movie  , shopping. and art are   Ryals and Catherine  ann.

             AbO\e:  Showing that  he i'> truly the best out of Germany, Miriam is bemg congratulated by
              upenntendent Mr. Flanagan and A<;sistant  uperintendent Mr.  Bradley.

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