Page 229 - chs-2002
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Below:   econd  runner-up.  usan  awyer.  shows  off  her   Below:  Alicia Sm1th isn't nervous in front of the large audience
     stunmng fashion sense   he look'> cool. calm. and collective   supporting their favorite contestant'>.  he walk'> confidently
     as she struts her stuff in causal wear.   aero" stage is her beautiful blue evenmg gown.

                                                                               Left:  The Miss CH  2001-2002 conte  tants wait patiently for
                                                                               the  winners to be announced. (L·R) Ashley Freeman, M1sty
                                                                               Burcham.  usan  Sawyer.  Diana  Wal\on.  tacey  Readout,
                                                                               Elizabeth Free. Alicia  mith. and  Kelly Hunter

                                                                                bme:  Kelly  Hunter listens intentl; a'>  Tiara  app read.  a
                                                                               question  to  her.  Kelly  answer'>  with  ea  e.  gl\•mg  her  first
                                                                               runner-up 111  th1s year\  ontcst.

     Above:  D1ana  Watson  i'>  <,tunning  in  her  '>parkling  wh1te   Above:  Ashley Freeman can't wait another year to graduate!
     dress!  The  formal  wear  competition  gives  contestants  a   he dresses the part as '>he recites a poem about Graduation she
     chance to get all dressed up-- prom  is just not enough!   composed for the talent competition.

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