Page 321 - chs-2002
P. 321
Jennifer 'Bec£en6augh
I want to tef{ you how happy you
have macfe me. We waitecf unti{
we saw you to name you, ana your
name means ''a gift from (jocf. "
rrhat is e~act{y what you are. You
ana I have a{ways hac[ a goocf
re{ationship. f}.[pw you wil{ 6e
going on with your own {ije. I wish
you a{{ the {uc~ ~mem6er I wi{{
a{ ways 6e there for you. lJ\!.ep (jocf
in your {ije a{ ways ana you wi{{ go
far. We fove you.
Mom, 'lJcu{, & 'lJ.J.
1 ennifer Bedenbaugh 319