Page 326 - chs-2002
P. 326
Justin, Michelle, Megan, Amy, and Brittany
And Now the storybook
comes to a close •.•
Gone are the ribbons and
bows ..•
Things to remember ..•
Places to go ...
Pretty majds all jn a row .••
Justjn, Michelle, Megan,
Amy, and Brittany,
Over the last four
years, there have been
good times, bad tjmes, and
Umes when we're all
;,Dazed and Confused." I
wouldn't change one mjnute
of jt! I'm so proud of you
all, my gjrls, my friends.
Congratulatjons! I love you.
324 Ju" tin, Michelle, Megan, Amy, and Brittany