Page 601 - chs-2002
P. 601

Maria Danielle D1az

                                        Our  first,  you  made  being  a  parent  so  easy,  so
                                     wonderful  and  such  a  joy'  Yesterday, this  day seemed  so
                                     far  away,  too  far  into  the  future  to  give  it  much
                                     thought.  But  here  it  is  ,  a  day  you've  worked  so  hard  to
                                     reach,  with  so  much  joy  and  happiness,  w1th  so  much
                                     hope  and  wonder  and  for  us  a  little  sadness  and  a
                                     thought  of  where  the  day  went.  You  have  so  much
                                     ahead  of  you,  so  many  joys and  some  sorrows, memories
                                     to  make  and  a  few  to  remember, much  more  to  learn  and
                                     so  much  to  teach!  You've  given  us  so  many  wonderful
                                     memories,  so  much  love,  the  past  is  ours,  the  future  is
                                     yours!  W1th  God's   blessing  we'll  continue  to  share  in
                                     your  future,  to  marvel  at  the  wonderful  gift's  that
                                     children  bring  as  you  grow  up  and  we  grow  old  Live  each
                                     day  to  the  fullest,  enjoy  and  chensh  each  moment.
                                        Mom & Dad

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