Page 602 - chs-2002
P. 602
* * *1QZI%* * *
'First I wou[i C~ to tfi.anf<:._ (joa for
Messing me migfitCy. Witfiout fiim
I am notfiing. 'Ifiank:§ :Momma ana
f})aaay for aCways 6eing tfiere for
me. :Ma, I k:!t.ow we fiaa some 6aa
times 6ut Cik:J_ aCways we puCC
tfirougfi. f})aaay, woras cannot
ex:pCain fiow mucfi I Cove you.
'Ifianf<:._ you 6otfi for everytfiing. 'Io
my 6ig 6rotfiers I Cove you, ana I'm
gCaa tfiat you guys are a part of my
Cife. TE:M & Queen 13 I Cove ya{{,
ana tfiank:§ for a{ways fi.aving my
6ac/(; f})emorn£, I Cove you 6a6y!
Peace ana13f.essings ...
600 Cameo Bell