Page 76 - chs-2002
P. 76
Right: "We lo e ew York!" ay Melanie
pencer and Le ley Cox. Tiffany Collin and
tacy William decide to tick with their Tiger
Below: Jamie Thoma , ara Prevatt, and A hley
King manage to find orne ice and e cape from
the corching Florida heat. It' alway fun to ice
kate with friend who will catch you when you
Right: A fine dining experience in the cnior
Diner awaits David Bell, Tara Richard on, Jamie
Maddox, and Jay on Potter. Lunch period i the
be t time of the day!
Above: Fran hca teward a ks Dominique Above: Mr . Wright give a uspiciou look to
tephen why on earth she ha to learn French. her wing . Ju t how hot are they? Dyanna loan
Dyanna loan and Ashley Ryal can't an wer her ay her are "ju t right!"
72 Junior